Flood Relief Plant and Seed Donation
The following video was created by Shirley Tam as a heartfelt response to the donation of many varieties of seeds by BC Council of Garden Clubs and a truckload of bedding plants by Van Belle Nursery. So many happy gardeners! “The Abbotsford Community Garden is...
Flood Status
The ACG Board is working on plans for clean-up and recovery including how to best remove debris, and assessment of soil conditions. Everyone must stay off the property until further notice. The City will advise us when we can proceed.

COVID Protocols June 2021
Gardeners are reminded that these important protocols are in effect at the garden. Maintain distance from other gardeners The six-foot / two-metre guideline is a MINIMUM distance that must be kept at all times.

Amending Your Soil
From time to time the Abbotsford Community Garden makes compost available to members who wish to use it. As a plot holder you are not obliged to use these products. You are free to bring your own amendments (following the requirements in the garden agreement).

COVID-19 Measures
Losing the ability to grow fresh vegetables, as well as the mental and physical benefits of working outside in the soil, would have felt like quite a hardship, so we are thankful that we can continue to garden our plots at the Abbotsford Community Garden. However,...
Re-registration for 2020
Re-registration dates for members are:
First Date: Saturday, September 28,
Time: 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
Location: In the greenhouse at the Abbotsford Community Garden.
Note: the draw for the nine new plots will take place at 10:15 am

AGM and New Member Registration for 2019
When: Saturday, April 6, 2019 Where: Abbotsford Community Garden Greenhouse The schedule is as follows: 9:30 am: Clean-up deposit refunds and key deposit refunds will be given to gardeners who had a plot in 2018 and did not re-register for 2019. – Returning...
Re-registration for 2019
Re-registration dates for members (who currently have a plot) are: First Date: Saturday, September 29 Time: 10:30 am to 12:00 noon Location: In the greenhouse at the Abbotsford Community Garden Second Date: Wednesday, October 3 Time: ...
2018 Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 10:00 am in the greenhouse at 1786 Angus Campbell Road, Abbotsford, BC. Light refreshments will be available. Please plan to attend.