Spring Registration for New Gardeners-2024
The Abbotsford Community Garden will be registering new gardeners from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Sunday, April 14th 2024. Please note this will be in-person registration at the Garden.
Please note that at this time, we still do not have an agreement with the City of Abbotsford regarding our tenancy at the site; however, City staff have told us that they are working on this.
Kindly fill out your application form before you arrive and be sure to have the exact amount of payment in cash or cheque to avoid being asked to move to the end of the line. We will not have any blank registration forms available at the Garden.
You can download the registration form here or under “Resources” on our website.
Every new gardener is required to attend the in-person orientation which will be from 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Keys to the garden gate will be issued AFTER the orientation session.

Fall Barbecue
We have had a very challenging year but our members worked hard to overcome the many obstacles. A year-end barbecue seemed like a great way to celebrate how much our community has come together and how much we have...

Flood Relief Plant and Seed Donation
The following video was created by Shirley Tam as a heartfelt response to the donation of many varieties of seeds by BC Council of Garden Clubs and a truckload of bedding plants by Van Belle Nursery. So many happy gardeners! "The Abbotsford Community Garden is my...

Flood Status
The ACG Board is working on plans for clean-up and recovery including how to best remove debris, and assessment of soil conditions. Everyone must stay off the property until further notice. The City will advise us when we can proceed.

2024 Garden Pictures
Click through the images to see all the fun things happening at the garden this year.

In Appreciation of Our Supporters
We are grateful for the people and organizations who have supported the Abbotsford Community Garden throughout the recovery process after the devastating flood last winter. An Appreciation Coffee Morning was held on...

New Tool Storage
Thanks to garden volunteers, we now have a storage shed and our tools will no longer have to be left outside. It was very much a team effort: finding the shed transporting the shed to gardenbuilding the padcleaning the shed reassembling the shed on site
The community garden concept is straightforward. Provide a small patch of fertile soil and put it in the hands of someone who wants to garden. Since 2008, the Abbotsford Community Garden has been providing small growing spaces for organic gardening by local residents. Located on City of Abbotsford property, this community garden is an initiative developed and run entirely by volunteers. The 166 plots are sub-grouped into 131 10’x 20’ plots, 21 10’x 10’ plots, and 8 raised garden boxes 3’ x 10’ and 4’ high. Additionally, there are six areas of communal designated crop production such as summer squash, winter squash, herbs, berries, grapes and fruit bearing trees. This produce is shared among all the gardeners. The greenhouse has provided a washroom; an office; a communications hub with whiteboard, records and sharing table; tool and wheelbarrow storage; a secure space for lawn mowers and weed eaters; and an unheated greenhouse where gardeners may start their bedding plants.

The objective of the Abbotsford Community Garden is to create space for people to learn about and participate in growing some of their own food organically – planning, planting, tending and ultimately reaping the benefits of their labour. This community garden offers a unique opportunity for a wide cross-section of Abbbotsford residents to come together and garden as neighbours. People of every age, ethnic background and gardening experience are participating.
Learn about membership with the Abbotsford Community Garden Society and watch a video created soon after the garden began on the About page. Recent posts appear below. All posts are sorted by date and archived in categories found in the top menu. Society business information and documents, including the members agreement and the supplement guide are on the Resources page.